Our Services

Fahd Al-Quwaidi Law Firm specializes in the following areas:


Do you need to deal with a lawyer's office regarding the estate liquidation service? What do law firms provide you with services related to this field? What is the concept of the estate? And the procedures for counting them based on the system adopted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

Fahd Al-Quwaidi Law Firm specializes in the following areas:


Do you need to deal with a lawyer's office regarding the estate liquidation service? What do law firms provide you with services related to this field? What is the concept of the estate? And the procedures for counting them based on the system adopted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

Our Specialty

Fahad Al Quwaydhi Law Firm is concerned with providing the best legal services to legal persons from local and international companies and institutions, and provides services in a narrow scope to individuals, and the office represented a wide range of clients, including:

commercial companies in their various activities.
Governmental and semi-governmental agencies.
Associations and non-profit organizations.
Associations And Non-Profit Organizations fahad alqwihi.

The office has the honor of serving clients that it is proud of, with high professionalism and classy service, and it apologizes for not disclosing any of them in order to preserve confidentiality.